allows you to earn money bySurfing. They pay $0.40 per hour you surf using the GotoWorld Browser. $0.10 for every hour the #1 referrals usethe browser. $0.15 #2 and $0.20 #3. I know.. It's like backwards but the lower the level of referral, the higherthey pay. Anyway, all you need is the browser which you may download immediately after you subscribe(4.5MB). With GoToWorld you can start making money right away andnot have to wait 6 to 8 Weeks :-)
This Site is also pretty similar to AllAdvantage. Payment? $0.60 per hour you Surf and $0.10 for every hour someone you reffer surfs(#1).
$0.10 for every hour #2, #3, #4 and #5 Surf the Internet. ePIPO doesn't use a toolbar. Instead it's a small window that you can move it around
so it doesn't bother you. ePIPO has a simple Cash Calculator too!
This one is the same as AllAdvantage. Payment is like this: 40% of all advertising done by you. 10% for 1st generation referrals. 5% for 2nd
generation, 2% for 3rd and 1% for 4th generation. You may be wondering... 40% of what??? Well, I don't know. For this, use their
Cash Calculator so you can see how much money you will win IF you reffer X people and they reffer X people and every one Surfs X hours
in that month. It's impressive the ammount of $$$ you can earn.
Earn $0.53 for every hour you Surf the World. Earn $0.10 every hour
someone that you have referred Surfs the World. Earn $0.05 every hour someone that you have referred reffers someone (extended referral 1)
and Surfs the World. And the same with extended referrals 2, 3 and
4 ($0.05). All you need is the ToolBar, which is a small bar placed on the buttom of your browser. You may close it but you must have it
active or else you will not receive cash.